A Sound of Thunder

A name like Michael doesn’t inspire fear. Name that son of a bitch “Unicron and Megatron had the Baby from Hell and It Wants to Eat Your Soul” and my ass would have left the area five years ago. But I’m betting that after today, that name will, in fact, be retired.

I’ve been watching the news; things in Florida do not look good right now. If you can safely leave, do so. However, if you can’t, you are better off sheltering in place. Michael is now a category four. This is not a joke and this is not something to joke about. Personally, I have never been through a cat 4; the worst I’ve ever been through was Fran and she was a three. She was bad, but not truly catastrophic. When I lived in North Carolina, I said that if we were ever hit by a category four or higher, I was leaving the state. You don’t “ride out” that kind of storm. You survive it, if you are lucky. Currently, I have no desire to see how bad it may get in the Florida panhandle. I know it’s going to be bad.

Making it worse? Michael’s path takes it through North Carolina; namely, the exact same area that had the tremendous amounts of rain with Florence. So that region is going to get more rain on top of the flooding. It’s going to make a bad situation a helluva lot worse. And don’t even get me started on just how awful the mosquitoes will get; they’re already the size of small pterodactyls. That’s not much of an exaggeration.

This morning, while Prime and I were in the kitchen, getting ready to leave for our respective jobs, we heard a noise. Prime thought that I might have dropped or bumped into something. I thought Prime had backed into a counter. It was neither. It seems we heard a house explode several towns over. The explosion was so bad that people in the surrounding metro area thought we were dealing with an earthquake. It seems that the house was a seasonal residence, so no one was home at the time of the explosion. No one was killed and a pair of neighbors suffered injuries but are doing well. That was good to hear.

We have a start time for Friday’s game at Miller Park: 19:09 CDT. The start time for Saturday’s game is 15:09. I freely admit that I’m keyed up about the whole thing; the last time the Brewers were in the postseason was back in 2011. The last time the Brewers were in the World Series was back in 1982. So yeah, it’s been a while. If you’re heading to the game, expect Miller Park to be extremely loud, closed roof notwithstanding.

We’ve been getting rain since yesterday. The forecast had claimed that we’d be getting rain in the early afternoon, but as usual, that was completely and totally wrong. Instead, the rain decided to make an appearance in the evening. I wasn’t too happy about that, as I had gotten up early and left out with Prime in order to avoid that garbage. In other words, I skipped out on extra sleep for nothing. The way I feel right now, I could have seriously used the sleep; I feel pretty slagged at this moment.

We’re making up for that today, as we’ve had several downpours while I’ve been at work. One was bad enough to cause most of the members to eschew walking their purchases to their vehicles and simply stay inside to wait it out. A lot of people are saying that this is getting old and I tend to agree. But then again, it is fall in Wisconsin.

Supposedly, the rain is going to clear out but the temperatures will drop. I hope it drops enough to finally kill off the flies and mosquitoes for the season. Both have been belligerent and numerous.

About Silverwynde

I'm a Transformers fan, Pokémon player, Brewers fan and all-out general nerd. I rescue abandoned Golett, collect as many Bumblebee decoys and figures as I can find and I've attended every BotCon--official and non--since 1999. I'm also happily married to a fellow Transfan named Prime and we were both owned by a very intelligent half-Siamese cat, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 16, 2018. We still miss him. But we're now the acting staff of a Maine Coon kitty named Lulu, who pretty much rules the house. Not that we're complaining about that.
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2 Responses to A Sound of Thunder

  1. DeviceDude says:

    I’m glad that explosion was not closer to your guys’ home.



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