An Update

I’ll keep things brief, as the past two days haven’t been the greatest.

-We were hit by severe weather. We’re fine. Tornado sirens sounded, we headed to the den with the cat, we lost power, but we’re fine. No tornadoes, no massive damage in our city, and electricity was restored at 0130.

-Earlier yesterday, I had a doctor’s appointment. I also had a procedure: an endocervical curettage. This was done without anesthetic. Apparently, it is always done without anesthetic. Some women have screamed during this procedure. I did not. But I have been spotting, and I don’t feel wonderful. So I took a day off from work. I hope to be back tomorrow.

-Lulu MewMew wasn’t happy with being crated and having to sit in the den with us. I think she knew something wasn’t right when I scooped her up and popped her into her crate because she tried to hide from me. But if Prime and I have to shelter in the den during a possible tornado, she’s coming with us. I’ve explained that to her, but I don’t think she quite understands.

-I am officially sick of bad weather. That is all.

-May next week be a shitload better.

About Silverwynde

I'm a Transformers fan, Pokémon player, Brewers fan and all-out general nerd. I rescue abandoned Golett, collect as many Bumblebee decoys and figures as I can find and I've attended every BotCon--official and non--since 1999. I'm also happily married to a fellow Transfan named Prime and we were both owned by a very intelligent half-Siamese cat, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 16, 2018. We still miss him. But we're now the acting staff of a Maine Coon kitty named Lulu, who pretty much rules the house. Not that we're complaining about that.
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