Old School

Found this little tidbit on Reddit: Corcoro has some Pokémon Legends ZA information, albeit vague. There’s also a translation:

This is a new Lumiose City, different from the one in XY

There are a bunch of wild Pokemon throughout the city

Megas from XY and ORAS and returning, and the lore of Mega Evolution will be explored again

Corocoro points out Zygarde’s similarities to the logo for the game

“The adventure is set in Lumiose City, but will we be able to meet the Legendaries of the Kalos region?”

Ignore the “stay tuned for more info next month” blurb. That’s apparently a mistranslation, and we’re not entirely sure when we’ll be getting any more news.

Okay, first off: This is kicking it old school. I don’t think we’ve had information about an upcoming Pokémon game dropped in Corocoro since Gen VII. It’s mostly come via leakers via Xitter. However, that trend has seemingly stopped thanks to the reveal of PLZA. Most of the well-known leakers–think Riddler Khu–claimed we would be seeing a Unova based game, and that didn’t happen. The other rumor, which was 4chan based and obviously bullshit, was a Johto based Let’s Go game.

The 4chan information was suspicious from the start. But Khu spitting out Unova only to be proven factually wrong was HUGE. He’d been right about a lot of things, which led to him acting like a jackass. Honestly? He’s had this sort of thing coming for years. (He’s made ableist comments in the past. I’m absolutely over the guy, and I hope he never tweets anything ever again.)

Personally, I have missed the Corocoro leaks/drops. We were given a few looks at what we were going to get, maybe got a silhouette of a new Pokémon, and got just enough information to speculate about, which kept us interested. It wasn’t some ridiculous emoji riddle that made zero sense. This was just enough to tease without being ridiculous.

I really hope we keep getting this.

My thoughts on this: If Lumiose City is “different” from the one in X and Y, this could mean we’re in a different time. Some think it might be a different dimension, but I’m seriously doubting this. Legends Arceus was basically set in Sinnoh’s past and I could see ZA doing something similar. Kalos did have a fairly massive conflict–there was that little war 3,000 years ago–and Lumiose could need to be rebuilt. Not from the ground up but there could be various damaged areas or simply places that are being annexed to expand the city.

I’m glad that there are a lot of Pokémon in the city, but I’m really hoping that most, if not all, of the Kalos Dex is available. Just…let me bring Riser. I don’t care how long I have to wait. He needs to be on my team.

More Ribbons, please. For reasons.

More Megas. Please give me a Mega Golurk.

If not a Mega, then a Regional variant. I have all ideas that I won’t have Riser change his base form, but if a Regional variant actually gave him an advantage, then I would change it.

If the Kalos Legendaries are obtainable in-game, LET ME SHINY HUNT THEM. No shiny locking. Not this time. I’m done with that bullshit.

Give us a similar amount of facial customization like we got in Scarlet and Violet: I want freckles. I want teal hair. I want to change the shape of my eyes. I loved the way my character turned out in Paldea and I would love to do something similar in Kalos.

Bring back skirts. That is all.

We’re probably going to be dealing with another long dry spell until this summer. I’m hoping we’ll hear a little something in June or July but I’m not getting my hopes up yet. Until then, it’s back to shiny hunting and the occasional Tera Raid Battle.

It’s going to be a very long year.

About Silverwynde

I'm a Transformers fan, Pokémon player, Brewers fan and all-out general nerd. I rescue abandoned Golett, collect as many Bumblebee decoys and figures as I can find and I've attended every BotCon--official and non--since 1999. I'm also happily married to a fellow Transfan named Prime and we were both owned by a very intelligent half-Siamese cat, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 16, 2018. We still miss him. But we're now the acting staff of a Maine Coon kitty named Lulu, who pretty much rules the house. Not that we're complaining about that.
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