Brain Games

Been spending a lot of time on Violet hitting the Meganium den and earning Herba Mystica; they respawn once a day. No, you can’t catch another Meganium, as it’s only one per save file, but you can claim the rewards more than once. I’ve also been hitting the Blissey Raids for Tera Shards; Psychic is now completely maxed out, and Fairy isn’t too far behind. Most of the others are in the 500 to 600 range.

I haven’t been hatching as many Eggs lately, but that’s fine. Shiny hunting takes time. The current runs with the Tera Raid Battles have kept my anxiety to a dull roar. It’s still there, just not as noticeable.

But we’re nearing the end of the month. I’m expecting the anxiety to start creeping back. Currently, I only have a couple of weeks where I feel normal, then things start to fall apart.

I blame the hormones. Because this feels exactly like the side effects of the tamoxifen. The only thing I’m not dealing with is the hot flashes.

Welcome to the other side. I can’t say that I enjoy it. It’s going to be a long couple of years.

About Silverwynde

I'm a Transformers fan, Pokémon player, Brewers fan and all-out general nerd. I rescue abandoned Golett, collect as many Bumblebee decoys and figures as I can find and I've attended every BotCon--official and non--since 1999. I'm also happily married to a fellow Transfan named Prime and we were both owned by a very intelligent half-Siamese cat, who crossed the Rainbow Bridge on June 16, 2018. We still miss him. But we're now the acting staff of a Maine Coon kitty named Lulu, who pretty much rules the house. Not that we're complaining about that.
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